Anim Anim


21 APRIL 2018

(Due to my not being able to type for a week and that most of the information about Bob & Katie was on FaceBook,
this story may become a bit disjointed. I hope you will bear with me.

On 23 April, Bill writes:

Katy (f/k/a Katie), and I made it home safely very late last night.
She did well on the flight.
She went right into her clean crate and slept all night.
We went outside for a bit this morning;
she definitely needs work on leash training
and overall trust and confidence.
However, the resilience of these babies is incredible,
and she'll be ready for her new forever home in no time.


Katy a sweet
Cairn mix who was pulled from
a kill shelter in the LA area,
 arrived in Chicago from
 Los Angeles yesterday.

She's very sweet and gentle,
 but also very scared and skittish.
 She will be fostered by foster mom
 extraordinaire BJ Isaacs
 until she's ready
 for her forever home.

This week, she'll be
 staying with us,
 learning the ropes and
 getting tons of love
 till we drive to Kentucky
 to deliver her to BJ.
 What a sweetheart!

Ph Ph

Katy spent some time
being boarded before
I flew to LAX on Saturday
21 April to bring her to Chicago.

She had been reported as
less frightened than Wally was,
but upon meeting her,
it was apparent that not
only was she skittish,
but even more so than Wally.
She shook nearly uncontrollably
when handled and cowered
when I reached toward her.

She has had no leash training
and, in fact, tried to fight
being leashed at all.
Despite this, she was able to
trust enough to be placed
in a carrier and endure a
3.75-hour flight.


On her first day
with us in Chicago,
she pretty much stayed
in her crate other than
going out for her toilet breaks,
which she handled fairly well.
She's has had no
accidents since arriving
in Chicago, and should be
no problem to housebreak.
(In fact, I think she was
housebroken in the past).


We didn't push her too hard on Sunday,
given that she had already been through so much.

This morning was
a revelation!
I took her out very early
in the morning,
then placed her in front
of her crate with the door open.
She went in and I thought
she would probably stay there
for the duration of my time at home.
She's in the living room
with a pet gate up for her safety.

Lo and behold,
as I went into the kitchen
for coffee, I heard her barking!
She was letting me know that
she was NOT happy
to be left alone!

She had come out of the crate
and was standing
in front of the pet gate.


When I walked over to see her, she walked back into her crate,
but she didn't run in fear as she had been doing.
Baby steps! She enjoys being held and sitting with us on the couch,
albeit for short periods of time. She continues to come out of the crate
at intervals to sniff around and explore, but retreats to her "safe place".
We expect that to happen for a while,
but she is also showing all the signs of having the capacity to trust and bond.
We're very happy to see that.

Miss Rosie, my own Cairn, is infamous for not liking doggie visitors in her house.
However, she has shown a great deal of interest in Katy since her arrival,
and I let her into the living room so they could get a bit more acquainted
through the safety of the crate door.
The video pretty much speaks for itself.
Katy let Rosie know in no uncertain terms that she wasn't going to
put up with any craziness from Rosie!


She's going to be just fine. What a cutie pie!


On 25 April, Bill writes:

Katy has begun blossoming into a playful, happy little girl.
Though she's still quite skittish,
she's trying very hard to learn the ropes of being a "regular dog'
and having people love her and give her structure
and a routine she can count on. She has begun coming to us,
albeit slowly and carefully, and getting short periods of petting
and good scratches behind her ears. She now hops around
and sits near us when we come into the room.


She's getting better with tolerating her walks, too.
Rosie has even decided on a bit of détente,
sniffing Katy and walking alongside her without incident
(though they still grumble at each other through the doggie gate!)
She is fast becoming a happier and more confident little girl.

She will be traveling with me to Kentucky to be fostered by BJ and her crew.


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