On 31 May 2004, Rita writes:

OH I'm so sad. Casey had FHO hip surgery on May 18th, and had a wonderful report from the doctor on Friday. The vet was so pleased with how much he was walking on that leg.


But, he wasn't eating very well; we thought from the pain medication. Then last night he started vomiting. He was so lethargic this morning his new Mom called and asked me what did I think. We decided he should go to the emergency vet. And oh dear, he had a huge mass on his spleen which had metastasized to his liver! There was no good outcome. Poor baby. We all agreed that Casey should not have to suffer more pain.

He had a wonderful couple of months with his new family. They adored him so much! He was relaxed and happy without other dogs bothering him. He went on lots of walks and had a yard where he patrolled for squirrels. He had 100 percent of their attention. I'm so sad for his new family . . . To give your heart to a youngish dog (approximately four years) with no indication of a serious illness and to lose him so soon . . .

And Waldo & I will light a candle for him and talk about our happy times together. . .

In an effort to "downsize", Rita has become interested in Wire-Haired Fox Terrier Rescue. Her first permanent addition to the Ferrer Pack is Toby.



Bean, the poor pitiful little baby with the shattered elbow. He's full of beans and energy plus no matter . . . .





Jimmy Redux


Bean & Jimmy

On 3 August 2004, Rita writes:

Jiminey has moved to his new home with a stay-at-home Mom and a couple of WFT playmates. He's loving his new home . . . that's what is important. I miss the little fellow a lot.

