Anim Anim

30 JUNE 2007


Click on Lazarus' photo to go to the Wisconsin Puppy Mill Project, Inc. and learn more about fighting puppy mills in Wisconsin.

Shannon Radosevich writes:

Joe & I went to get Laz on Saturday at the Fox Valley Humane Association, Appleton, Wisconsin. We were to keep him overnight and the people fostering him were coming into Milwaukee on Sunday and we were going to take him to them.



On Sunday, the time went by, and it got later & later. I told Joe I had like a pit in my stomach, they weren't going to show . . . . And I was right.


He is the most fearful, scared foster for us yet. Who me . . . have any clues how to deal with this???? So we winged it and we survived, and so did he. He is so very handsome. Tries so hard to trust but no way was he going to get within ten feet of us! Loved Mickey & Maggy May [of The Luv Connection] though . . .


Lazarus & Mickey

We kept a short leash on him, otherwise we couldn't catch him to go into his kennel at bedtime. I did put the bellyband on him so he could be with us and the dogs. He lay just far enough out of hands' reach . . . if you moved an inch - zoom - he was gone! All treats were left on the floor for him too . . . it was so funny when he would peek his head around the corner to see where we were!


We talked to him a lot; I sat on the floor for great lengths of time hoping he would come closer to me, offering him treats, etc.


On Monday, I decided I had better clean a bit . . . he followed me from room to room the entire time. But of course wouldn't get close to me. . . until I lay down on the couch for a break and had my hand hanging over the edge. Laz came closer & closer, and I got my first "kiss" from him!!!


Well, that settled it; I was bound & determined he was going to come around, and by Tuesday he had . . . a tiny bit. Instead of gently pulling his leash to make him come to me, I would pat my hand on the floor; he would come for a few ear scratches and off he'd go!!


I actually was able to hold him on Wednesday morning for a while. He allowed me to nuzzle him, and I even snuck in a few kisses!! He was on his way to Scott & Greg to B&B. Shell was picking him up from them to get him neutered, then off to Marge's for fostering . . . and of course I shed some tears!!!


This little guy has great potential, especially with some of the things he had done in only four days!


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