Anim Anim

16 FEBRUARY 2006


If Max were a person, he'd be wearing tattoos, a doorag and ridin' a Harley, I swear. Maybe we should change his name to Harley.

He's been inside every closet, every opened cupboard, the refrigerator, and tried to climb inside the dishwasher. I've found him walking on the dining room table and the ironing board. Maybe I could put him to work??

However, he's doing just fine. Had a baking soda bath on his back last night, so the itching stopped and the dandruff is gone. I may do it all all over today, as his legs still itch.

He slept all night; part of the night curled up on a towel I had in my room to dry him with. Then, early morning, I took him on the bed with me and he slept the rest of the night on my bed with my hand on his back.

His tail never stops waggin', except when he's asleep.


Max discovers Cari's favorite napping spot . . .
on the heating pad.


. . . you are getting sleeeeepy . . .



We may have to share the bed, but we DON'T have to lie close together!


Cari & Rico insisted I put this picture on Max's page,
just to remind everyone whose house this is.

The Happy Dog's Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
The queen-size bed is soft and deep.
I sleep right in the center groove
My human being can hardly move!

I've trapped her legs,
she's tucked in tight,
And here is where I pass the night.
No one disturbs me or dares intrude
Till morning comes and I want food!

I sneak up slowly and I begin
To nibble on my human's chin.
She wakes up slowly and smiles and shouts,
"You darling beast! Just cut it out!"
But morning's here and it's time to play
I always seem to get my way.

So thank you, Lord, for giving me
This human person whom I see
The one who hugs and holds me tight
and shares her bed with me at night!

  Author unknown

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