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Bear . . . what a doll baby

Very successful & quiet trip, no problems. Arrived at Carol's place at noon; Shannon & Joe Radosevich were right behind us and Kristen Fredriksen, new foster mom from Illinois, joined us to take Kayleigh home with her.


Kristen with Kayleigh

Carol is a take-charge lady and immediately had bottle baby in a warming area and Ty and the five pups in a room all to themselves with bedding and a heater. The sad part is that Carol feels bottle baby has problems, making her survival questionable. She was going to place a feeding tube in her, saying Hannah needed more nourishment that she had been getting. Time will tell and I do believe she is with someone who will do everything possible to bring her around.

A good lunch visit with Joe & Shannon and back home to our babies who are feeling a little shunned by 5 p.m.


Bear on the left, Bruce on the right . . .
ready for the last leg of their journey to
Wisconsin and their new foster homes

Joe & Shannon headed back to Wisconsin
to meet new FosterDad Chuck Rusk
and deliver Bear to him

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Chuck Rusk & Bear


Shannon & Bruce wait for
FosterMom Kathy Walkowiak

Kathy came to Joe & Shannon's home to pick up Bruce. Both boys were so cute; they both need grooming but are very good looking Cairns

Thank you again to ALL involved in making this transport work after a slow start. Success and more Cairns moving on to their foster homes and better lives.

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