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The question is not can they reason? Nor can they talk? But can they suffer?
-- Jeremy Bentham, jurist and philosopher (1748-1832)


. . . CRASH, a parakeet who literally crashed into an outside window and was rescued by Linda Allen. Crash passed over in November, 2001.


. . . BAILEY, Toy Poodle who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 5, 2002 and is sadly missed by Angie Peterson. "She traveled around the world, was loved by many and she was a huge part of our lives even though she was only nine pounds. In short, she was an amazing little girl."

Here rests a little dog
Whose feet ran never faster
Than when they took the path
Leading to her master.

-- Lebaron Cooke


. . . RICCI & LUCI, Wire-Haired Fox Terriers greatly missed by Mary Kihlstrum


. . . DAISY & NUT, Boston Terrier Granddogs of Mary Kihlstrum

Copyright Jim Willis 2002

Every bark will have its reason,
No meow is ever misplaced,
And even when they leave us,
Death cannot erase their place.

We see them in the shadows,
We feel them in our sleep,
We speak despite their absence,
Their memories alive we keep.

Sometimes still we hear their bark,
their purrs, their whinnies, their calls,
And we wonder how that's possible,
with their souls in Hallowed Halls.

It's because they've sent gifts beforehand,
that echo through space and time,
and they send them back to comfort us,
and of their love their Beloved remind.


. . . TASHA, of whom Shelley DeMerchant writes:

Tasha adopted us 15 years ago. We figured she was at least a year and half old then. She had been abused and was starved. She blossomed here. She loved to be loved. To many she was known as "the big white dog". For the size of her (120 pounds in her prime), she was one of the gentlest and kindest beings I have ever been priviledged to know. She helped raised puppies; taught kittens how to hunt mice; would stretch out under my big cedar tree on the front lawn and announce the arrival of anyone coming in the driveway. She was our official greeter. She was my white shadow and friend. Tasha was a Shepherd/Lab/Wolf X, Airedale wannabee.

She had two strokes this past week. Thursday morning she told me it was her time to leave us. I held her in my arms as she was humanely euthanized. She heard my parting words "leave this world with love". The same words I whispered to Mr. Beau Beau just two weeks earlier. She passed peacefully.

She is buried her on our farm . . . on the land she loved and the only real home she ever knew. I look now at the spot in my dining room where she used to lie. In my mind's eye I still see her stretched out there . . . peacefully snoring away. That was "her" place. There are still white hairs on the blue carpet. I've been putting off vacuuming that spot. Gone but not forgotten. Forever in my heart.


. . . GYPSY, "a sweet, elderly canine who was the beloved pet of Dr. Brian Norton. She crossed the Bridge on April 4, 2002."


. . . QUINCY, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on May 24, 2002. He was the beloved friend and companion of Lee Ann Brown. He came to her as a Wire-haired Fox Terrier rescue puppy 13 years ago and scampered happily at Lee Ann's side every single day.


. . . EDDIE THE WONDER POODLE, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 26 April 2002. Christine & Tim write: "Eddie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge quietly this afternoon. I am sure he was lifted there on Airedale wings. He was able to walk into the vet's with his head and tail high. For a moment he looked like he was on a social call."

A Snip of Hair

A snip of hair from around my eyes so that you will always see
The beauty that surrounds you, even in times of need.
A snip of hair from around my ears so that you will always hear
Music in the distance to quiet any fears.
A snip of hair from across my back to bring you strength in time of need
And the power of my essence will always be with thee.
A snip of hair from around my heart, that beat in time with thine
So you would know that love would find you at some distant time.
And so, my life slipped out of yours on an unwelcome day
But you know that a part of me is always here to stay.

-- Unknown


. . . RUDY, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in May 2002, and is sadly missed by Joan Martz


. . . NIBBLES The Ferret, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 19, 2002, and is sadly missed by Connie Farrar


. . . BO, Judy Ozier's Collie, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on September 8, 2002.


. . . MITZI, August 18, 1988-November 16, 2000, beloved Schnauzer of Dee McAlpine


. . . MATT, Chihuahua who lived with Chuck Rusk for 18 years and who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 30, 2004. Chuck writes:

My partner & I helped Matt across the Rainbow Bridge last night. He nuzzled us under the chin one last time and did his "talking" to me. It was so hard to do this but we knew it was for the best. My dad is waiting for him at the Bridge. They had a mutual admiration thing going. I know Matt will have some company while he waits for me.

I can still recall the abused abandoned dog that I brought home that winter night long ago. How he curled up on my chest looked me in the eyes and sighed. He had finally found someone who would love him and give him a home.

He was always such a good, sweet, loving companion. always trying to comfort anyone who was feeling down. He played with my nieces and nephews and the neighborhood kids loved to pick him up and cuddle him because he always gave his kisses freely. He never met another dog or c*t he didn't try to make friends with.

Matt's full name was Mateo which means "gift from God". He was my gift from God.

His nickname was "Weenie" which I always called him in our special moments together.

My heart is broken; I loved my little guy so much.



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