
Rally at Easter
This was before his first grooming - the vets gave him an Easter Bunny bandanna.

Rally is getting two acupuncture treatments each week in Davison, Michigan. He sees a chiropractor on the weekend for a quick adjustment. He also takes vitamins and several supplements to boost his immune system and keep him at peak health. At four weeks into acupuncture no noticeable gains have been made but Rally sure enjoys the treatments - especially the car rides and the cheeseburger from the drive-through on his drive home! His daily life is full of variety - new faces; new canine and feline playmates. Rally gets frequent baths and swim therapy in the lake when temperatures allow. He is very revved up after hydrotherapy sessions and acts like a typical five-month-old Airedale puppy. He loves roughhousing and play biting with the dogs in his foster home. He sometimes is up late, having completely worn out everyone else around him!


Rally catches the ball!

On May 1, Rally weighed in at 34 pounds. Adorable -whether awake or asleep - this little puppy is hard to resist. He wasn't dealt the best legs but he sure got the best looks!

Continue with the story of Rally HERE

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