Dear Santa:


I was NOT prepared for the news I received from the our favorite vet, Dr. Amy Nunemacher, later that day. Kellie has been diagnosed with a birth defect called PDA or Patent Ductus Arteriosus.

Everyone had a ductus arteriosus at one time, but it was during one's fetal days. As a developing fetus, we depend on our umbilical circulation to supply oxygen. After all, not only are the lungs not developed yet, but there is no air to breathe inside the uterus. But we have a heart and it pumps blood, even in the fetal stage. The ductus arteriosus is a small channel connecting the pulmonary artery (which will one day carry blood to the lungs) and the aorta (which already carries blood to the rest of the body).

At birth, everything changes. Puppy takes her first breath. Her lungs begin to work as they were meant to. At least, that is what is supposed to happen. Sometimes the ductus does not close. It remains open or "patent." When the ductus stays open, blood from the aorta will want to flow, not to the body, but to the low-resistance ductus opening and into the pulmonary artery. This all begins to become very complicated for the lay person, so I will make long story a bit shorter. Basically, the heart goes into overdrive and it's a lot of extra work for the heart; failure can lead to coughing (which Kellie does), weakness (which Kellie has) and difficulty breathing.


All I want for Christmas . . .

In fact, more than 25% of pups have some degree of heart failure at the time their patent ductus is discovered. Treatment for PDA involves surgically tying off of the ductus with a piece of suture or coil. If this can be accomplished, meaning the pup is a good candidate (they believe she is), ALL THE HEART PROBLEMS ARE REVERSIBLE. Without treatment, two-thirds of affected puppies die before reaching the age of one year.

We don't know how old Kellie is but Dr. Nunemacher guesses that she is between one and two years. That means that Kellie's days are numbered.

I hate to ask again, but I'm going to. I have to ask. Won't you please help me to save her life. A separate account is being set up at NATIONAL AIREDALE RESCUE to be set aside to cover the expenses incurred with her open heart surgery. The costs involved are great. We expect her surgery to cost in the vicinity of $3,000.00. Please donate today.


. . . is a chance to live my life.

Hopefully Kelly will have surgery next week and I'm her voice: All she wants for Christmas is a chance to find a forever home. Without the surgery she will live the rest of her days here with us. Now some would suggest that it could be worse, but I'm telling you that she is just a puppy. She deserves the same life that your dog has. The same life that my ATRA rescue has had.

Kellie is very small, which is typical of this disease. She weighs just barely 33 pounds. There were days last week that she was so weak we were feeding her with a tongue depressor and she didn't even lift her head up. Please help save her life. Please donate today.

