Jody writes: Second update on Lizzy

Thank you everyone for your prayers & support. Kris & I really appreciate them; Lizzy really needs them.

We just went to see her. She was very excited to see us, especially Kris. She is definitely more perky, but she seems up & down. One minute she's climbing the wall trying to get out, the next minute she's lying down almost asleep.

I suspect this is from her irregular heart beat. The doctor showed us the EKG and you can see how sporadic & irregular her heart is beating. Her heart is not filling with blood with each beat and it's beating too fast. The doctor said at any point they cannot feel a pulse in her back leg, she's not getting a pulse with every beat. I just pray that it regulates itself soon so she is able to come off the Lidocain. They increased the Lidocaine at about 11:00 a.m.

They were going to repeat the EKG at noon; they are doing them hourly. She'd thrown up again about one hour before we got there. She hasn't had anything to eat in well over 24 hours either.

I asked the doctor what she thinks the chances are of Lizzy¹s pulling through and her heart returning to normal. She said it's too soon to tell. Lizzy is young & strong, so we have that on our side.

I pick her up tomorrow morning and will most likely take her to Gulf Coast. The doctor doesn't feel a regular vet's office will be equipped to handle Lizzy.

Cheryl writes:
Evening Update on Lizzy: keep the Zen going!!

Since my last post, much worrying has happened. Lizzy's condition deteriorated; the ER contacted Jody & Kris saying that Lizzy needed to be transferred to Texas A&M immediately. They picked her up and transported her immediately. Her heart was really failing.

It seems the vet had contacted A&M and they were directed to give Lizzy a medication that the Houston vet did not have on hand.

Fast forward: Hallelujah!!

They got her to A&M, administered the medication and it is working!!!!! Yea!!!!

She has a ways to go, but at last her heart rate is down in the normal range and appears to have stabilized!!! Yippee!!

The Zen, the prayers & all the powerful Airedale wishes are working.

You all are wonderful. You are miracle makers.

Lizzy needs you to keep doing what you are doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. More updates will follow.


May 2007


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