

On 1 August, Angela writes:

(tropical weather disturbance) that is currently to the east of where we are going.
It is forecast to track to the Yucatan area,
so today we made some backup plans for transfers.

Please check with your airline prior to departure
to make sure there are not any weather delays
If you have a delay please call me ASAP so I can arrange
a different transfer time for you.

We have many days with the sharks and also have the
backup "day off" which serves as a weather day if needed.
I do want you all to be aware of the weather,
but also rest assured that our dive operator and I are going to
take good care of you. If the weather is bad we won't go out
and will have other cool activities to do for that day.

The most important thing is to watch for the SHARK TEAM ONE sign
that our van driver will be holding.
Also remember that the van company is MAYAN SKY.

****Many drivers will be asking you to get into their van,
and if you ask them, "Is this the SHARK TEAM ONE van?"
they will say "Yes" even though they are not the correct van service.****

So make sure to look for the sign.
No SHARK TEAM ONE sign = don't get in the van.

Once at the ferry dock, you will be greeted by Arturo Delfin Amaya.
Arturo is our dive operator and a dear friend;
he will be with you on the ferry crossing. Once you arrive at Isla Mujeres,
Arturo will be transferring you to a gentleman named Claudio
at the ferry dock. Pay close attention to Arturo's instructions
and don't get into any cabs once on Isla Mujeres
without having been directed to do so by Arturo or Claudio.

To recap the above in list form, steps for Transfer are:
- Clear customs & immigration
- Exit from sliding glass doors of airport
- Put luggage in van (Mayan Sky, they must have a SHARK TEAM ONE sign)
- Head to the snack bar to your left & wait for rest of your group.
- Once in your group, the van takes you to PUERTO JUAREZ
and the ferry is the ULTRAMAR BOAT to Isla Mujeres
- Once on the ferry, you will be met by our dive operator Arturo Delfin Amaya
- Once you are at the ferry dock on Isla Mujeres after the crossing,
you will be assisted by Claudio to get a cab or three-wheeled cycle driver
to take you and your luggage to the hotel
- The hotel you are headed to is only a few blocks away
from where the ferry lets you off and is called . . .


Click on the photo for more information




Angela writes:

I talked about the backup weather plans yesterday.
We will be affected by the storm in the Caribbean
which has now been labeled a "tropical storm" according to NOAA.

The expedition IS happening, but it's up to each of you
to make the decision whether or not to proceed with your travel plans.

Also, same as yesterday, keep me posted with any changes in your arrival.

Neal replies:

I just got off the phone with American Airlines Customer Service
and at this time they are saying the flight is "on time"
and to go to the airport. If on the way there, or once there and checked in,
the flight is delayed, it will take off as allowed.
IF the delay changes to being cancelled, they will issue phone numbers
for passengers to call and get rescheduled on the next flight.

IF there's a problem, I'll reach out.
If you don't hear from me, I'll expert to see you tomorrow afternoon.


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